Dr. Feriel Ben Fraj

Faculté des sciences économqiues et de gestion de Nabeul(Université de Carthage)

e-mail:  Feriel.BenFraj@fsegn.ucar.tn 


In 2010, Mrs. Fériel Ben Fraj received her doctorate in computer science from Manouba University’s National School of Computer Sciences (Tunisia). She also received her M. Sc. in computer science in 2004 from the same higher school, Manouba University (Tunisia). 2008 saw her appointed by the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research. She has held positions as an assistant professor at Gabès and Carthage Universities.


His areas of interest in research are 1) the creation of AI strategies to address information cybersecurity problems; and 2) the development of novel techniques for traditional Natural Language Processing tasks


  • Natural Language Processing systems
  • Artificial Intelligence and Multi-Agent Systems
  • Business Intelligence Systems: systems design, decision systems, etc.

Main publications

F. Ben Fraj, N. Nouri, (2023) OntoFD: “A Generic Social Media Fake News Ontology”, In Proceedings of Model and Data Engineering (MEDI 2023). Sousse, November 2023.
F. Ben Fraj, C. Ben Othmane Zribi, and S. Mathlouthi, (2018). “Arabic anaphora resolution using Markov decision process“. In Computational Linguistics and Intelligent Text Processing: 17th International Conference, CICLing 2016, Konya, Turkey, April 3–9, 2016, Revised Selected Papers, Part I 17 (pp. 520-532). Springer International Publishing.
S. Mathlouthi, F. Ben Fraj, C. Ben Othmane Zribi, “How to combine salience factors for Arabic Pronoun Anaphora Resolution”, 14th ACS/IEEE International Conference on Computer Systems and Applications, October-November 2017, Hammamet, Tunisia.
C. Ben Othmane Zribi, F. Ben Fraj, I. Limam, “POS-tagging Arabic texts: A novel approach based on ant colony”, Natural Language Engineering Journal (JCR IF=0,639), MIT press, ISSN 1469-811, 0 DOI: 10.1017/S1351324915000480, 2016, pp.1-21.
S. Mathlouthi, F. Ben Fraj, C. Ben Othmane Zribi, “A Novel Approach Based on Reinforcement Learning for Anaphora Resolution”, 28th Proceedings of International Business Information MAnagement, Spain, November, 2016.